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puce f/ml : fibres per milliliter of air; equivalent to fibres per cubic centimeter (f/cm3).
puce Fibre concentration : arithmetic or geometric mean of the values derived from the analysis of the samples collected.
puce Fibres (according to WHO) : fibres of which the characteristics are defined for the PCM fibre counts by the 1985 WHO method : as having a diameter of less than or equal to 3 µm, a length of greater than or equal to 5 µm, and a ratio of the length over the diameter of at least 3. WHO fibres are said to be "respirable", and they can be deposited in the pulmonary alveoli.
puce File : this designates an article in the scientific literature or a technical report from which a documentalist (occupational physician, industrial health specialist...) extracts the information that is subsequently indexed and recorded in the database in the form of records.
puce Frequency : the proportion of the working time during which exposure occurs : 0 : no exposure ; 1 : 0 < frequency < 5 % (sporadic) ; 2 : 5 % < frequency < 30 % (intermittent) ; 3 : 30 % < frequency < 70 % (frequent) ; 4 : frequency > 70 % (very frequent).