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puce Sampling : in industrial hygiene, the fibres are usually collected by sampling air through a filter with a nitrate or cellulose ester membrane with a pore size of less than 1.2 µm, using a pump with a flow rate of 0.5 to 2 liters/minute. In general, several samples are taken during the observations. There are two types of sampling : area sampling and personal sampling.
puce SEM (scanning electron microscopy) : this can be used to identify the nature of the fibres on the basis of their morphology and their elemental chemical composition and to determine the granulometric distribution of the fibres. It is used to identify and confirm the exact nature of the fibres, but is rarely recommended for use in industrial hygien counts because the minimum diameter that can be measured is of the order of 0.15 µm. (WHO, 1985)