
Although the information in the database is related to specific situations, it provides some very useful information about possible exposure levels in a large number of activities. However, Evalutil is not a substitute for a professional analysis of each particular work situation.

The current method for consulting the database does not allow you to obtain a synthesis of several records. A practical guide helping to consult databases is provided in the box "More" on the Home page and Search tips are available in the search pages.

Moreover, the document database Nanometric Particles is being incremented, to date, a number of files have been identified and are analyzed or will be analyzed. Note that the files awaiting analysis were already recorded based on the systematic collection of the exposure situation and the availability of metrological data. These files have been indexed according to the workprocess(es) and at best, the occupation(s) and sector(s) of activity. In addition, the link below "Files under analysis" gives a synthetic information on the available exposure data.

Please note that the English database is a translation from French, but it relies heavily on the English articles recorded in the document databases.

puce DOCUMENT DATABASES Aide File Record Measurement Last updated
Asbestos fibres   753 2 554 2 718 August 2014
Man-made mineral fibres   185 961 2 517 July 2014
Nanometric Particles (NP)   Files under analysis 243 918 1667 June 2023
puce JOB-EXPOSURE MATRICES Aide   Job-periods     Last updated
Asbestos fibres (ISCO 1968 x NAF 2000)   more 1 075 656     June 2010
Mineral wools (ISCO 1968 x NAF 2000)   more 204 280     April 2010
Refractory ceramic fibres (ISCO 1968 x NAF 2000)   more 165 655     May 2012